




As a national mass of organizaion engaged in researches and promoion of the developmert of scienoe and educational films and televsion, China Science Film and Viceo Associalion was founded in July 1986 with Mr. Xia Yan as the Honorary President, Ms Zhang Qing as the President and Mr. Kong Xiangjin as the Secretary General. On December 28,2018, members of the sixth council were elected with Mr. Xue Jijun as the Chairman ad Mt. jiLin as the Secretary General.

The Mission Statement is CSFVA is to carry forward the scientific spirit, disseminating scientilic ideas and methods, popularize scientilic knowledge and improve the scientific literacy of all citizens. CSFVA brings together and serves the practioners of science and educaion films and television in the country,enhanoes, on both academic and operational aspects, the level of production and distribution of science and education films and television programs.

CSFVA organizes the events of academic exchange, screening. scientific consulation and olher professioral events, organizes awards events of science and education programs and practitioners, and provides professionai training to members.

In August 1986, the association joined the International Association for Media in Science in Paris, France.